Special Post for Pd 3/4 A Day Class


Some good news. Pennsylvania Representative Pamela A. DeLissio (D-Montgomery/Philadelphia Counties) will join us for our class on Monday. We will spend today going over 1. who she is, 2. what her job is, 3. Who she is running against 4. What she stands for, and 5. What we want to ask her. I will also go over some rules and regulations for this meeting. 
Here are some good resources to learn about Rep. DeLissio. 



Wednesday October 14 (B Day) - Tuesday October 15 (A Day)

 Objective: By the end of the class all students will watch two videos to deepen your background knowledge of the subject.

Do Now: Watch CNN Student News

 Debate Topic:

  • Should people who have been convicted of a felony lose their right to vote?

1. As a class, we will read Video 1 and answer the questions on the Graphic Organizer.

2. Students will read Video 2 on their own and answer the questions.

Wednesday October 7 (B Day) - Thursday October 8 (A Day)

 Objective: By the end of the class all students will read two articles to deepen your background knowledge of the subject.

Do Now: Watch CNN Student News

 Debate Topic:

  • Should people who have been convicted of a felony lose their right to vote?

1. As a class, we will read Article 1 The State of ex-Felons Voting Rights, Explained and answer the questions on the Graphic Organizer.

2. Students will read article 2 on their own and answer the questions.

Monday October 5 (B Day) - Tuesday October 6 (A Day)

 Objective: By the end of the class all students will be introduced to the debate topic and will start to complete their Debate Prep Worksheet. 

Do Now: Watch CNN Student News

1. I will introduce the new Debate Topic:

  • Should people who have been convicted of a felony lose their right to vote?

2. We will go through the background information on this power point. 

3. Students will start to complete their debate sheets

Thursday October 1 (B Day) - Friday October 2 (A Day)

 Objective: By the end of the class, all students will have completed your essays. 

Do Now: Watch CNN Student News

1. I will review the essay prompt:

If you were to run for office, what would be your three most important issues and what would you do about those issues? 

2. Students will have the remainder of the class to complete their work. I will stay on Meets to be available for any questions.

Tuesday Sept. 28 (B Day) - Wednesday Sept. 29 (A Day)

 Objective: By the end of the class all students will have completed their essay outline and will start their essay. 

Do Now: Watch CNN Student News

1. We will review the news: Breonna Taylor/Donald Trump's taxes/The Debate. 

2. The class will finish reviewing the essay outline. 

3. The class will then begin writing their essay.

Thursday Sept 24 (B Day) - Friday Sept 25 (A Day)

 Objective: By the end of the class, all students will have completed their essay outline worksheet. 

Do Now: Watch CNN Student News

1. We will discuss the charges/lack of charges for Breonna Taylor. 

2. We will review the sheet from the last class examining if you agree with the positions of your party's nominee for president. 

3. I will introduce the new essay topic:  If you were to run for office, what would be your three most important issues and what would you do about those issues?

4. Students will begin working on the essay outline.

Tuesday Sept 22 (B Day) - Wednesday Sept 23 (A Day)

 Objective: By the end of the class all students will determine if they agree with their party's platform on seven key issues. 

Do Now: Watch CNN Student News

1. We will discuss the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsberg. 

2. The class will review last class' answers on what political party they belong to. 

3.  The class will then examine these charts and where they fit with the average answers. 

4. We will then look at this video on the difference between Republicans and Democrats.

5. The class will then begin working on the next Assignment examining your political party's stance on important issues and if you agree with them using this G.O

You will need to use this site to complete the G.O.

Thursday Sept. 17 (A Day) - Friday Sept. 18 (B Day)

 Objective: By the end of the class, all students will take a quiz to see what party aligns with their belief systems. 

Do Now: Watch CNN Student News

1. We will review the worksheet on fake news. And look at this chart on news organizations.

2. The class will look at the differences between Republicans and Democrats. 

3. Students will first complete the top of this worksheet looking at what party they think they belong to.

4. Then students will take an online quiz that determines what political party most closely aligns with their opinions and beliefs. They will then fill in the remainder of the worksheet examining what they thought and what the quiz said.

Tuesday Sept. 15 (A Day) - Wednesday Sept. 16 (B Day)

 Objective: By the end of the class, all students will examine different ways to look at fake news and learn tools how to combat it. 

Do Now: Watch CNN Student News

1. I will quickly review the news issues that are important to you. 

2. We will look at how different news companies present the news online using our class' Instagram Account

3. The class will listen to the podcast "A Fake news survivor Guide". You will complete this Document by listening to the Today Explained Podcast.

Friday Sept 11 (A Day) - Monday Sept. 14 (B Day)

 Objective: Today we are going to start looking at where you get news and what issues are important to you. 

Do Now: Watch CNN Student News

1. We will discuss what issues are important to you guys.

2. We will complete this sheet together.